12:30 PM Registration

As the scouts continue working on achieving their Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei medals for the religious awards program we will be holding a Saint Patch Retreat on January 10th, 2009. The goal of this is to assist the boys in completing their requirements to earn the 5 saint patches for this year as a group. Deb Lamolinara is coordinating this event and we are getting great support from the parents, parish and the Knights of Columbus with help. I encourage you to mark the date down so your scout can participate in this program. The event will end with dinner and a movie before lights out for anyone wishing to sleepover for a mid-winter campout type experience in the basement.
February is a very special month for scouting. This is the month where we celebrate the birth of scouting and it's formulation by Lord Baden Powell. We begin the month with Scout Sunday on February 10th. The Scouts attend the 10AM Mass together at St. Peter's Catholic church. Scouts should meet in the church basement at 9:30 dressed in their Class A uniforms. They will proceed in together and sit as a group for Mass. We are looking to have refreshments following in the Church basement.
This is also the month for the Blue and Gold banquet which is scheduled for February 21st. The Blue and Gold banquet is one of the traditions in scouting where we celebrate scouting's birth and recognize the scouts for their achievements. This is also the time where we award the religious medals and saint patches to the scouts who have earned them over the last several months.
Festivities begin at 5PM with Mass at St. Peters where the boys will be awarded the religious medals in front of the parish and proceed in with the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly. We then proceed to the gym where we have a banquet. We are looking at the format and content for the evening so stay tuned. I encourage you to attend this special event.......
It is that time again to begin thinking about our annual popcorn sales drive. This is our main fundraising opportunity and helps to fund our scouting activities throughout the year. Diane Shaft has taken on the important role of "Popcorn Kernel." She will be visiting the den meetings in September to kick off the event. There are many great prizes available this year at the Council and Pack level. Even a possibility to throw a pie in my face.........
As always, let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to working with you on delivering a quality program for the boy's......
Yours in Scouting,