I have to tell you that as I sit to write this month's post it is hard to believe that it is almost September. Seems like we just began the summer and now we are sending the kids off to school and beginning the upcoming scouting year and fall recruiting. Everyone that I have spoke to seems like they had a great sum

mer and many enjoyed the opportunities that the Heart of Ohio Council offered at day camp, overnighter, resident camp, and the Indians
sleep in event. I want to extend a thank you to Dave Haney, Fred Awad, Phillip Slezak, D'Arcy Ziegler, and Kim Zander for volunteering their time to spend the week with our boys at resident camp. It is a large commitment and we appreciate their time and I know the boys had a great time.
As we move into the new scouting year we have many exciting activities and programs planned. We received many great comments about the quality of the program last year and our goal is to build off of that and make this years program even better. We are making some minor changes to the program this year to keep it fresh and exciting for not only the boys, but the families as well. I hope to share those with you throughout the year, but in the meantime you can visit our website at
http://www.cubscoutpack153.com/ for our complete 2008-2009 calender of pack meetings and events we have planned thus far. Your son's den leader should be contacting you to communicate the schedule for den meetings.

One of those changes is that we held a "Say Good-Bye to Summer and Hello to Scouting" family picnic to kick-off the scouting year on August 16th. We had a great turnout with over 70 people attending and seemed like everyone had a very nice time with the games and activities that we had. Check out the website to see the photos of the event. Thanks to all who attended and helped with the event.
Something new we are doing this year is taking orders for uniform needs. I emailed a form out last week, so if you are interested in participating in this program please complete the form and get to me by August 31 to be included in the order.

The "Gateway to Scouting" Encampment is just about a month away. This is such a tremendous event that it is only done twice a year. It is held at the Lorain County Fairgrounds and will have many, many exciting activities. Please visit the website and click on the link on the homepage for more detailed information. We will be sending out a registration link with additional information in the next few days. You do not want to miss this event!!!!!
It is that time again to begin thinking about our annual popcorn sales drive. This is our main fundraising opportunity and helps to fund our scouting activities throughout the year. Diane Shaft has taken on the important role of "Popcorn Kernel." She will be visiting the den meetings in September to kick off the event. There are many great prizes available this year at the Council and Pack level. Even a possibility to throw a pie in my face.........
As always, let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to working with you on delivering a quality program for the boy's......
Yours in Scouting,
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