Well, it is hard to believe that the January 10th Saint Patch Retreat is only two weeks away. The team that is helping have been working extremely hard to put on a fantastic event and it looks like we are getting a great response from the scouts with over 25 scouts attending so far. I am personally very excited to see how the community of St. Peter's is coming together to support our boys. I wanted to give you some details on what the program is and what the day will entail.
The National Catholic Committee for Scouting developed an activity called the "Footsteps of American Saints". The Footsteps of American Saints Activity program is a religious activity program that encourages youth to learn about several individuals that have shaped the landscape of Catholicism in America. This religious activity honors those men and women who led heroic lives of faith. Their words, their deeds, and their devotion to prayer and to the sacraments, inspire all American Catholics. The goal of this activity is to share the lives of several Saints so that the youth might relate to what these people have done and maybe look to these individuals as role models.
Saturday January 10th
12:30 PM Registration
1:00 PM Opening Flag Ceremony
1:15 PM Station #1
1:45 PM Station #2
2:15 PM Father Doug - Saint Education
3:15 PM Confession/Snack/Music
4:00 PM Station #3
4:40 PM Mass
6:00 PM Station #4
6:30 PM Station #5
7:00 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Games
10:00 PM Lights Out
Sunday January 11th
7:00 AM Wake Up, Clean and Pack
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Dismissed
At the conclusion of this retreat the scouts will have earned the 5 patches recognizing the different saints. They will be awarded these at the Mass prior to the Blue and Gold Banquet with the other religious awards on February 21, 2009 at 5PM at St. Peter's Catholic Church.
As you can see there has been a tremendous amount of work involved in this and I think the boys will have an experience they will remember. To cover some of the costs for dinner, breakfast, snack, supplies and the cost of the patches the fee is $20 per scout. This can be paid at the door the day of the event. The pack will be covering the remainder of the cost.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at cnagelmol@aol.com or Deb Lamolinara at gdlam63@aol.com.
Have a great New Years Holiday and see you on the 10th......
Chris Nagel

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