Welcome to the October installment of the Pack 153 newsletter. There is much to report on and many updates to let you know about. Hopefully everyone had a great re-entry into school year and the scouts are doing well with their studies. We had outstanding recruiting results and we have 15 new scouts that have joined the pack and still more application coming in. If you know of anyone who would enjoy the experience let them know and if they join you get a $5 credit in your "scout account."
Well, hopefully you are in full swing of our annual popcorn sales. Again, I cannot stress enough the importance that each scout hit the $300 goal we have set. This is how we fund the activities throughout the year and we have much planned. Remember, there are many great incentives this year including the mystery house. If you missed the first hit here it is again:
Scouting is fun and Scouting is neat, but selling popcorn South of Center Ridge might get you a nice treat!!!!
Hint number 2 might even come later in this Blog.........
The Scout Encampment event was this past weekend and we had great representation from the pack at the event. About 10 families braved the chilly October air and trains to camp at Lorain County Fairgrounds and participate in the over 100 different activities the had to offer for the scouts. I have attached the photos from the event to my blog, but they have everything from military displays, model planes, trains, bat house, beehive, BB guns, archery, totem pole carving, blacksmith and I could go on and on. The highlight of the event was the 20 minutes fireworks display as we sat around the campfire eating marshmallows and hot dogs......A special thanks to Dave Haney who coordinated this event for the Pack.

October's Pack meeting will be October 24
th from 6:30PM - ? at St. Peter's Church. We will be sharing more information as we get closer, but the highlight of the event will be sitting around a campfire in back and hearing Halloween stories told by local professional storyteller, Barbara Sutton. (not scary) Bring chairs and blankets and hope for good weather. As always, families are welcome at the Pack meetings. See more on Barbara at

The holidays are coming up and in our continued efforts to get the scouts involved in the community our Pack has partnered with the American Red Cross to sponsor a blood drive at St.Peter's Church on November 23, 2008 form 9AM-2PM. We will be asking for a few scouts to assist at the drive itself with serving refreshments and welcoming donors, but the biggest effort will be from recruiting donors. A representative from the Red Cross will be speaking with the Scouts in October to discuss the importance of Blood Donation and what they can do to help. If there is anyone that has benefited from receiving blood who would like to share their story please contact me to discuss.
We will be kicking off the 2008-2009 Youth Religious Awards program at the 5PM Mass on October 18
th at St. Peter's Church. Tigers and Wolves are eligible to complete the Light of Christ while Bears and
Webelos are eligible to complete the
Parvuli Dei. In addition, Scouts can participate in the Rosary and Saints patch programs this year. If you have any questions about the programs see your Den Leader or contact the Pack Religious Coordinator Deb
Lamolinara at
gdlam63@aol.com. Remember, one of the values in scouting is that Scouts are reverent, so we encourage participation in these programs.
Information on non-catholic programs are available as well.
It has been an exciting and busy
beginning to the scouting year, so keep selling that popcorn so we can have the funds to support our continued activities. Mystery House Hint #2 is as follows:
North Ridegeville has roads and streets galore, but getting to this house only takes one of these no more. Have fun and safe selling........
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