Monday, May 18, 2009

Pack 153 Leadership Transition

Scouting Families,

It has been quite a while, so I hope this finds everyone well and looking forward to the summer months. There are a few items that I wanted to communicate to all of you that are important to the pack and leadership.

My son is now a Webelo II and will be crossing over to Boy Scouts next year and I will be following him to Boy Scouts leaving the Cubmaster position open. Dave Haney has agreed to take over the Cubmaster position and keep up the progress this pack has made over the last few years. He will take over immediately and I will assume the Assistant Cubmaster position and Webelos II leader and help transition duties to him over the next year to enable a smooth process.

Additionally, I will be working with the Boy Scout Troop 153 as Assistant Scoutmaster anticipating to transition to Scoutmaster next year and ensure a smooth transition in leadership at the troop level. We are working to get the Troop and Pack together to synergize efforts more often.

We have accomplished much over the last several years and the amount of parents involved has been a key to the success and will be in the future. With that said, we are looking for a few positions that we are in need of, so let Dave or myself know if you have an interest. We are looking for a Committee Chair and an Advancement Coordinator.

Don't forget to contact Dave Haney at to sign up for the pack campout on May 30th or summer camps. Time is running out!!!!!!!

Yours in Scouting


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