I wanted to take a moment to communicate some information about a leadership tools that I have been utilizing for a while and it's new tool to be able to utilize this in your family life as well. We have been using Personalysis for a while at the Cleveland Clinic as a way to understand each other better, understand how we all deal with different situations instictively and when we are under stress. It has enabled us to better work together and know how best to deal with each others personalities. This has been a great leadership development tool for me and has opened my eyes and helped in developing better relationships with my co-workers.
Personalysis has developed a Home version of this and cannot tell you how I hoped that this would come. I feel that I have a good relationship with my wife and family, but understanding their personalysis profile like I understand my co-workers would help in so many ways. We live a fast paced life and having this information will help in how I deal and interact with my wife at certain times. I have learned that we usually don't do things to irritate each other on purpose, but knowing why people deal with things the way they do will help us build a stronger relationship and understand how we approach each other.
I cannot wait to get the results and work on:
- Better understanding of feeling
- Less Stress and frustration