And so it begins.....the 2008 Scout Popcorn sales drive is here. By now most of you should have received the product brochure and sales form for this event in the mail. I wanted to take some time to give some perspective on this event and the impact it has on our pack and your son.
As a parent, I understand that there are many fundraisers that we are asked to participate in and all for very worthy causes and organizations, Scouting being no different. However, I feel it important to give some insight on what this money is being used for so you know why there is a need to have a successful fundraiser.
Our goal is to put on a quality scouting program for the boys. The leaders conduct a planning meeting each year and look at everything that we want to accomplish in the program and set our dues and popcorn goals based on that schedule. It takes a typical pack $150 per scout to have a successful quality program. The dues for the pack are $50 so we have only covered one third of that expense. The rest comes from the popcorn sales drive. The pack retains 30% of the sales and we strive to make this our only fundraiser. With that being said if we want to deliver on the promise of a quality program we need your help.
The following is a sample of some of the things this money goes to based on last years program:
Snacks and Refreshments
Awards for Boy's Achievements
Patches for Participation
Halloween Party with Magician
Pinewood Derby Supplies and Awards
Goldrush Camping
Special Events (NASA Speaker)
Holiday Pizza Party
Blue and Gold Celebration
Religious Awards Program
Den Activities and Supplies
These are only a few of the items that this money is used for, but I wanted to give you a sense of what sort of things are in store for the boys if we have a successful drive. The goal for the pack is for every scout to sell $300 worth of product. We will be kicking things off at the pack meeting and giving you many ideas to make this goal. The key is to work the plan!!!!
Diane Shaft is the Pack 153 "Popcorn Kernal" and will be communicating some very exciting prizes and incentives at the September 21st Pack Meeting that will not only encourage the boys to reach this goal, but there is an incentive for the parents this year as well.
If you have any questions about the popcorn sales please feel free to contact myself or Diane at tdshaft@windstream.net.
Yours in Scouting
Chris Nagel